HoPR approves residential rent control, administration bill

Addis Ababa, April 2, 2024 (FBC) – The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia’s House of People’s Representatives (HPR) has approved a residential rent and administration decree today.

In his briefing to the House on the necessity of the bill, Chief Government Whip, Tesfaye Beljige, elucidated its timeliness and the benefits it would confer upon the citizenry.

According to his exposition, the decree would mitigate the pressure on citizens by precluding unreasonable rent increases and legalizing renting procedures.

The Chief Government Whip, who underscored the escalation of residential house rent as one of the drivers of inflation, emphasized the significance of a decree and attendant procedures to address the issue.

He asserted that the residential rent and administration decree tabled harbors manifold benefits to alleviate the pressure.

It was ascertained that there would be a regulatory body tasked with overseeing the execution of contracts between the owners of rental houses and the tenants.

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