High-level dialogue discusses poverty in Ethiopian lowlands

High-level dialogue discusses poverty in Ethiopian lowlands

Addis Ababa, June 16, 2020 (FBC) – The Ministry of Finance (MoF) today held a virtual policy discussion on poverty and vulnerability in the Ethiopian lowlands with a goal to build a more resilient future.

The high-level dialogue brought together several federal ministries, regional governments and development partners to discuss a study commissioned by the MoF and jointly conducted by the World Bank and the UK Department for International Development (DFID).

The study on poverty and vulnerability in the Ethiopian lowlands provided an evidence-based policy recommendation on poverty and vulnerability in Ethiopia’s lowlands and identified next-generation pathway for resilience building.

The main findings of the report highlighted, despite significant falls in headcount poverty rates in the past two decades in lowland regions, both income and multi-dimensional poverty levels are still higher in the lowlands.

To sustainably reduce poverty and vulnerability in lowlands, the study recommended investing in human capital; strengthening the governance system and safety net programs with better early warning systems and addressing economic issues related with cross-border livestock market; land demarcation; improved integration and diversification.

In his opening remark, Ahmed Shide, Minister of Finance, emphasized lowlands and pastoralist population constitute over 60% of the country’s territory and are home to 12% of the country’s population.

Thus, he noted, it is essential to unleashing the full potential of lowlands, addressing human capital development and administration capacity gaps and investing in infrastructure will be crucial. Lowlands are also instrumental to the integration with neighboring countries.

During the event, participants reflected on the findings of the study and outline priority areas for effective intervention design in the coming months, according to a statement MoF sent to FBC today.

The meeting is concluded with an endorsement of the recommendation of the study and a consensus to design a pastoralist area development strategy based on the findings and recommendations of the study to be integrated into the national ten years perspective plan.

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