Green Legacy Initiative drives economic development, promotes social cohesion, Says GCS

Addis Ababa, August 23, 2024 (FBC) – During a press briefing today concerning the national tree planting campaign, the Government Communication Service (GCS) highlighted the significant contributions of the Green Legacy Initiative, which was launched in 2019.

This year’s tree planting campaign stands out from previous efforts due to its integration of a georeferencing system, according to State Minister for Government Communication Service, Selamawit Kassa.

Selamawit emphasized that people from diverse backgrounds across Ethiopia are actively participating in the nationwide initiative, aiming to leave a lasting legacy for future generations.

Over the past few years, the Green Legacy Initiative has successfully increased the nation’s forest coverage from 17% in 2019 to 23% in 2023, the State Minister reported.

In addition to boosting forest cover, the initiative has fostered significant social and economic benefits, particularly in enhancing food security and self-sufficiency, Selamawit noted.

Furthermore, the Green Legacy Initiative has strengthened social bonds by uniting communities during the rainy seasons, she added.Since the inception of the Green Legacy Inititive in 2019, Ethiopia has successfully planted 32.5 billion saplings and is on track to meet its goal for the current planting season, which includes today’s ambitious target of 600 million seedlings. Last year, Ethiopia set a record by planting over 566 million seedlings in a single day, surpassing its initial target of 500 million.


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