Green Legacy Initiative becomes a defining feature of Ethiopia’s reputation on global state: DPM

Addis Ababa, July 30, 2024 (FBC) – The Green Legacy Initiative, which covers both urban and rural areas, has become a defining feature of Ethiopia’s reputation on the global stage, according to Deputy Prime Minister Temesgen Tiruneh.

During a recent event at Tulu Foka Mountain in Bishoftu, the Deputy Prime Minister, accompanied by other senior government officials, participated in planting tree seedlings as part of the initiative, leaving his mark on this significant reforestation drive.

Temesgen highlighted that Ethiopia has garnered international acclaim for its achievements related to the Green Legacy Initiative, emphasizing that its impact extends beyond rural landscapes to encompass urban areas as well.

He pointed out that the location chosen for planting holds historical significance and serves as a vital green space for Bishoftu town. Furthermore, he noted that the initiative contributes to enhancing the area’s tourist attractions.

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