Gov’t, Dev’t Partners discuss transformation of food systems and boost nutrition nationwide

Addis Ababa, May 14, 2024 (FBC) – The government of Ethiopia and the Development Partners Group held a joint meeting to emphasize the need for improved collaboration and operational partnerships to transform food systems and enhance nutrition on a larger scale nationwide.

During the meeting, Minister of Agriculture Girma Amente (PhD) highlighted the shared vision of transforming Ethiopian food systems and nutrition, emphasizing their crucial role as the lifeblood of the nation, a major source of employment, livelihoods, and cultural heritage.

Furthermore, the minister stressed the need for the transformation of Ethiopian food systems to address climate uncertainty, nutritional challenges, and the impact of global market dynamics on local producers due to disruptions in global value chains.

Minister of Finance Mr. Ahmed Shide also underscored the multi-sectoral nature of the food system and nutrition agenda in Ethiopia, calling for interventions that go beyond specific sectors. He expressed optimism about Ethiopia’s progress in producing key agricultural products such as wheat, maize, and rice, indicating that the country is on the right track for further advancement.

In addition, Minister of Health Dr. Mekdes Daba, as part of the food-nutrition strategy under Sekota Declaration Implementation, highlighted the Ministry of Agriculture’s efforts to strengthen the regional coordination platform.

She urged development partners to explore opportunities for contributing to the operationalization of food systems and nutrition in Ethiopia.

Note that the Ethiopian government launched the Ethiopian food system process in 2020, which officially commenced in January 2021 to define Ethiopia’s vision and pathway for national food systems transformation.

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