Government – DPG High-Level Development Forum underway in Addis Ababa

Addis Ababa, March 14, 2024 (FBC) – The High-Level Development Forum (HLDF) of the Development Partners Group (DPG) which comprises 34 bilateral and multilateral entities and the Government of Ethiopia represented by high-ranking officials is taking place in Addis Ababa with aim to discuss topics linked to the 10 Year Development Plan, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and aid effectiveness.

In his address at the forum, Paul Walters, Development Director at British Embassy in Addis Ababa, stated: “Our commitment to partnership is vital for addressing humanitarian, development, and peacebuilding priorities to deliver the SDGs. Together, we’ll drive positive change, leaving no one behind,”

UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in Ethiopia Ramiz Alakbarov, noted “The HLDF reiterates our shared vision for a resilient and prosperous Ethiopia. Through high-level policy exchange and joint action, we’re committed to supporting peace implementation and the National Development Plan, ensuring a brighter future 4 all Ethiopians.”

“Building a resilient Ethiopia requires disaster risk management, sustainable development and community empowerment. Ethiopia’s National Development Plan is paving the way for a future where every citizen thrives,” said, Fitsum Assefa, the Plan and Development Minister.

Gedion Themotios, Minister of Justice, highlighted key challenges to peace, including youth unemployment, climate change and social media polarization. The National Peace Policy Framework aims for sustainable peace through rule of law and inclusive development.”

Eyob Tekalign, State Minister for Finance, for his part, addressed Ethiopia’s economic potential and ongoing reforms focusing on stability, investment climate, trade, and efficiency.

The Development Partners Group is a collective of 34 bilateral and multilateral entities. Their primary aim is to stimulate policy dialogue and coordinate efforts to ensure successful execution and monitoring of Ethiopia‘s national development plan and SDGs.

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