Government debunks information about fuel being case for closure of Mekelle Airport

Government debunks information about fuel being case for closure of Mekelle Airport

Addis Ababa, June 30, 2022 (FBC) – In her recent press briefing, Press Secretariat of the Office of the Prime Minister, Billene Seyoum debunked the erroneous information about fuel being a case for the closure of Mekelle airport.

The Government had requested the type of aircraft that is being deployed by humanitarian partners for the Tigray operation. And she confirmed the three types of aircrafts that are being utilized for humanitarian operation into the regin.

According to Billene, the first one is DCH 8402 deployed by the WFP. The fuel required for it is about 2500 liters, and the amount of fuel required for the round trip is filled at Addis Ababa.

“The second type of aircraft utilized is a B 737244. This is a cargo type of aircraft deployed by WFP. Again, the type of fuel required for this aircraft to operate this 10,000 liters and the amount of fuel required for the round trip is fueled at Addis Ababa again.

“The third type of aircraft being utilized is the Dash 8 and this is deployed by ICRC. The required amount of fuel that they need to operate this aircraft is 1800 liters. And the amount of fuel for this aircraft as well as the round trip is filled at Addis Ababa. So there is no refueling requirement on the other end,” she added.

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