GERD filling demonstration of end of unfair utilization of Abbay River: Deputy PM

Addis Ababa, July 23, 2020 (FBC)-The historic completion of the first phase of GERD filling is a key manifestation of the end of the age-old unfair utilization of the Abbay River, said Deputy Prime Minister Demeke Mekonen said.

Addressing the annual performance review meeting of the Coordination of Public Participation on the Construction of GERD yesterday, Chairperson and Deputy Prime Minister Demeke said the completion of the first round of the dam filling clearly shows the end of the long-time unfair utilization of the Abbay River.

The day when the cornerstone of the dam was laid down heralded the historic chapters of the process of the dam, he added.

Presenting the report, Water, Irrigation and Electricity Minister, Sileshi Bekele said the country has utilized less that 10% of the 160,000 Giga Watt it has the potential to produce.

“The renaissance dam will definitely create the inspiration to properly exploit the country’s ample potential,” he noted.

Stressing the filling of the first phase of the dam as a great achievement, the minister said trail generation of power will commence starting from February and April 2021.

Alongside with this will be installed 11 turbines, it was learned.

Ethiopia has officially announced yesterday, the completion of the historic filling of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD).

Following the breakthrough announcement, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed said that “we conducted the filling of the dam without causing harm to anyone.”

Head of the Office of the Coordination of Public Participation on the Construction of GERD, Roman Gebreselassie said on her part that the office has been using digital tactics to increase the participation of the public in raising fund for the dam.

Despite the negative impact COVID-19 in fund raising, over 744 million birr was raised in the course of the Ethiopian fiscal year, according to ENA.

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