Finland, Ethiopia Allot 41 Million Euros for Fourth Phase COWASH Project

Addis Ababa, May 27, 2021 (FBC) – The fourth phase of COWASH project that targets to access water supply for more than 1 million people kicked off today.

The water supply, sanitation and hygiene project to run from April, 2021 up to December, 2024 will be implemented in 99 Woredas and 37 Zones of Amhara, Tigray, SNNP, Oromia, Benishangul-Gumuz and Sidama regions.

According to ENA, the Government of Finland and the regional governments of Ethiopia have allocated a total of 41 million Euros, of which the regional governments contributed 22.6 million Euros and the Government of Finland 18.4 million Euros.

Kicking off the project today, Water, Irrigation and Energy State Minister Negash Wagesho said the ministry will undertake the project’s physical implementation to contribute to the efforts to ensure inclusive water supply, especially in rural areas of the regions.

He commended the regional governments commitment for financing and collaborating for the implementation of the project.

Finance State Minister Yasmin Wohabrebbi said on her part Ethiopia sees access to clean water as a basic right to its citizens.


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