Addis Ababa, March 13, 2023 (FBC) – Ministry of Urban and Infrastructure (MoUI) announced that it has delivered financial assistance worth over 2.5 billion birr to communities affected by manmade and natural disasters through Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP) framework.
State Minister of MoUI, Fanta Dejen said that the major recipients of the assistance were people affected by the coronavirus pandemic and the conflict in northern parts of the country.
Fanta added that the Urban Safety Net Program which is being implemented in 11 towns and cities has enabled the institution to benefit 1.5 million people living in urban dwellings.
The second phase of the Urban Safety Net Program is underway in cooperation between government and international partners focusing on environmental protection, direct aid and reintegration on livelihoods of host communities with a view to benefit 640,000 people, the Ministry added.