External powers working to destabilize East Africa engaged in proxy war against Ethiopia: State Minister

External powers working to destabilize East Africa engaged in proxy war against Ethiopia: State Minister

Addis Ababa, November 15, 2021 (FBC) – In an exclusive interview with DD India, State Minister of Ministry of Finance Eyob Tekalign (PhD) said the terrorist TPLF is being supported by several external powers.

“Stability of Ethiopia is very important for peace and security of the region, but elements working to destabilizing the Eastern Africa region are engaged in proxy war against Ethiopia by supporting the terrorist TPLF that continues its aggression against innocent civilians and the federal government as well”

Ethiopia is in a better position to contain circumstances and thrive in speeding up its socio economic advancements.

Reports from western media as if rebels are advancing to capital and Addis Ababa is under siege are totally a disinformation aimed to mislead the international community on current situation in Ethiopia.

TPLF is getting satellite data from external powers during its ongoing aggression against the people and the federal government of Ethiopia, he said.

Regarding the genesis of the conflict, Eyob said that the government had started the law enforcement after the terrorist group attacked the Northern Command of the National Defense Force, he explained.

Leaders of the criminal element admitted their belligerence saying quote unquote “We took preemptive and coordinated measure against the federal army”, he stated.

The state Minister told the DD India journalist that the terrorist group is using people of Tigray as a hostage and involving children in war. Forces of the TPLF invaded areas of neighboring regions, brutally attacked innocent civilians and forced thousands of hundreds of people to flee their homes, he noted.

The propaganda of TPLF as if the government is using famine as a weapon of war is groundless and false accusation, he added, rather the government is working hard with various international partners to address the humanitarian situation in the northern parts of the country.

“What the external powers that are support TPLF must know is that Ethiopia will overcome all the current circumstance soon and return to its development endeavors in order to speed up the ongoing socio-economic changes” the State Minster added.

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