EU launches €26m disaster risk management project

Addis Ababa, April 9, 2020 (FBC) – The European Union (EU) has launched a €26 million decentralized risk management project that aims to strengthen households, communities and local authorities to manage and adapt to disasters and risks.

The four years project that commenced today will be implemented in Oromia, Amhara, SNNP, and Somali regional states, according to ENA.

EU Ambassador to Ethiopia, Johan Borgstam told journalists that the project will consolidate the capacity of regions in preventing disasters.

“We want to invest in the prevention of disasters rather than tackling them after they occurred because it is always preferable to ensure that disasters never happen; and that is what we are working very closely with the regional disaster prevention and preparedness offices,” he added.

The €26 million invested is meant to strengthen the regional governments to enhance their capacities to help and protect communities from disasters.

According to him, building self-reliant community and helping women and the youth to increase access to economic opportunities will be the main focus areas of the project upon its implementation.

National Disaster Risk Management Commissioner, Mitiku Kassa said the program is in line with the policy and strategic program of the commission, and the investment framework is given special emphasis to empowering regional states through decentralized approach.

The commissioner stated that the program will be the right intervention to suppress the adverse effects of climate change and build a resilient community and nation.

The selected regions will operate and manage different alternatives that would help to mitigate disasters and risks through the project, Mitiku added.

Though the project is going to be implemented across sectors engaged in preventing disasters, providing equal economic opportunity to displaced persons and women will be the main issues during implementation.

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