Ethiopia’s Intelligence Service to change name

Ethiopia’s Intelligence Service to change name

Addis Ababa, December 24, 2019 (FBC) –The Ethiopian National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) announced plans to change its name to National Intelligence Centre (NIC).

Demelash Gebremichael, Director General of the Service told journalists yesterday that a draft bill has been completed to change its name and bring change in work methods.

The bill is part of the reform programs and targets to maintain institutional independence of the intelligence service from politics, ethnicity and religion, he said.

According to Demelash, the service has prepared a ten-year strategic plan as well as planned to provide education in intelligence with degree program.

The investigation conducted on institutions suspected of involving in grand corruption cases has been completed, the Director General further said.

He added the security service had conducted successful works in feeding information that helped combat illicit financial flow and circulation of illegal weapons during the past six months.

Accordingly, it managed to save more than half a billion birr public funds due to be lost to fraud, such as corruption, tax evasion and contraband, he noted.

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