Ethiopia’s efforts to empower digital sector through infrastructure wins acclaim

Addis Ababa, July 11, 2024 (FBC) – Roberto Schiliro, Team Leader of EU Green Deal at European Union Delegation to Ethiopia, praised the commendable efforts of the Ethiopian government in enhancing and empowering the digital sector through infrastructure improvements.

Government officials and partners gathered to discuss Ethiopia’s Electronic Government Service Strategy and Enterprise Architecture 2024-2029 document, which aims to guide the country’s digital transformation efforts over the next five years.

During his address at the event, Belete Molla, the Minister of Innovation and Technology, emphasized the pivotal role of the digital strategy in propelling Ethiopia’s digital economy to a level comparable to that of advanced nations worldwide.

Belete underscored the significance of swiftly propelling the country’s economic trajectory through strategic operations. He described the document as a vision for Ethiopia, which has immense potential in harnessing the power of digital technology.

Roberto Schiliro, in turn, highlighted that the strategy seeks to enhance Ethiopia’s transparent and secure network in the digital, energy, and transport sectors, as well as fortify health, education, and research systems globally. He lauded Ethiopia’s promising endeavors to improve and empower the digital sector through infrastructure advancements.

It is anticipated that the Electronic Government Service Strategy and Enterprise Architecture 2024-2029 document will be submitted to the Ethiopian Digital Transformation National Council and subsequently undergo a trial implementation phase.

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