Ethiopians in Qatar condemn media, personalities for propagating misinformation regarding Tigray

Addis Ababa, March 20, 2021 (FBC) –Ethiopian Community in Qatar condemned media outlets and personalities that unduly propagate misinformation regarding the situations in Tigray regional state.

“There is a huge misinformation campaign run by some international media and TPLF-affiliated personalities accusing the government of restricting access,” they said.

“The government has allowed unrestrained access to humanitarian agencies and media to the region,” they said in a letter wrote to the international community.

They appealed to the international community to swiftly respond to the government’s open call to scale up the humanitarian support in the region.

In the letter, they also touched on issues related to the negotiation on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) and the Ethio-Sudan border dispute.

Regarding GERD, they said, Ethiopia, the source of 86% of the Nile River, has not been able to make significant use of the Nile waters to meet the basic necessities of its rapidly growing population.

The people and government of Ethiopia started constructing the non-water-consumptive project to generate hydroelectric power and supply power to 64 million people who have no access to electricity.

Despite the political obstinacy by the Egyptians and Sudanese, the project has also got enormous benefits to both the downstream countries, the statement said.

Ethiopia is also hopeful that the on-going AU-led tripartite talk, in tandem with the principle of ‘African Solutions to African problems’, can successfully hammer out the outstanding issues.

They called upon the government of Qatar, the Arab League and the international community to duly understand Ethiopia’s right to use its water without causing significant harm to downstream states

Regarding the border issue, they urged the Sudanese government to stop its aggression and pull back to the situation before 06 November last year not to further severe the long standing relations between the two brotherly peoples.

They also called upon the people of Sudan, Qatar, and the international community at large to take note of and condemn this unwarranted belligerence.

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