Ethiopian officially returns to Madrid

Addis Ababa, December 8, 2023 (FBC) – Ethiopian Airlines, the biggest passenger and cargo carrier, today announced its return to the Spanish capital, Madrid.

The airline’s social media post mentioned that it has resumed four weekly passenger flights to Madrid.

During the event, Ethiopian Airlines Group CEO Mesfin Tasew said Madrid is the last destination to rejoin our networks suspended during the pandemic hiatus.

This four times a week expansion marks the 21st European destination and 135th globally for Ethiopian Airlines, he added.
The connectivity will stimulate the people-to-people relation, trade and tourism between the countries.

According to him, the addition of this flight will enable Spanish people to travel to Ethiopia to-and-fro Africa and Latin America, even Asia, using Addis Ababa as a gateway.

“The reopening of this flight will also promote trade, diplomatic relationship and tourism. We know Madrid is a very historical and cultural city with a lot of history, culture; and many people would like to travel to Madrid.”

Ethiopian, which started flight to Spain in 2012, was forced to suspend it in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Spain Ambassador to Ethiopia, D. Manuel Salazar Palma said the resumption of the flight will foster socio-economic relations.
He noted that the flight is a milestone which will enhance the relations between Spain and Ethiopia.

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