Ethiopian MPs, Danish Foreign Policy Committee members discuss cooperation

Addis Ababa, March 5, 2023 (FBC) – Foreign Policy Committee of Denmark met with the Foreign Relations and Peace Standing Committee of the House of People’s Representatives of Ethiopia to discuss current issues and areas of cooperation.

The two sides exchanged views on the implementation of the Pretoria Peace Agreement and ongoing socio-economic development activities in Ethiopia.

They also explored how to strengthen partnership between Ethiopia and Denmark in social, economic and diplomatic spheres.

Chairman of the Foreign Relations and Peace Standing Committee of the Ethiopian Parliament, Dima Nogo (PhD), assured the Danish delegation of Ethiopia’s commitment to the regional peace and stability.

Dima explained that Ethiopia, a landlocked country with large population, is working to secure access to the sea outlet through an amicable approach with neighboring countries, stressing the need for the international community to value nation’s endeavors in this regard.

“Ethiopia has been registering remarkable socio-economic changes in the face of various challenges,” he said, reaffirming government’s commitment to address the situation in Oromia and Amhara regions through peaceful mechanism.

Chairperson of Peace Affairs Subcommittee in the Ethiopian parliament, Ambassador Yeshimebrat Mersha, explained that women account for more than 40pct of leaders at senior positions, commending the measures take to empower them following the reform at the national level.

Chairperson of the Liberal Party of Denmark, Michael Aastrup Jensen, appreciated Ethiopia’s continued commitment to the peace and stability in the region, affirming his country’s readiness to collaborate with Ethiopia in military and peacebuilding sectors.

Michael Aastrup Jensen further highlighted the need for the two countries to work together in fostering collaboration in peace building and cultural spheres.

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