Ethiopian Federal Supreme Court, Chinese judicial delegation exchange experiences

Addis Ababa, August 29, 2024 (FBC) – Ethiopian Federal Supreme Court and Chinese judicial delegation undertake an experience sharing session in Addis Ababa today.

Federal Supreme Court President Theodore Mihret, Federal Supreme Court Vice President Ms. Abeba Embi’ale welcomed a Chinese delegation consisting of Shanghai High Court President Guo Wuoiqing and various officials.

They exchanged views on how to advance courts’ services with contemporary technology and thereform work that needs attention in the field of civil justice administration.

The Chinese delegation also shared their country’s experience and mentioned that the exchange of experience is necessary to work together on the reform works started in the judicial sector based on the cooperation framework of the two countries.

The delegation also visited the Federal Supreme Court’s Wide Area Network Data Center and Smart Court Room technology facilities, according to the Federal Supreme Court’s information.

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