Ethiopian Christians mark Good Friday with prayers, prostration

Addis Ababa, May 3, 2024 (FBC) – Ethiopian Christians are observing Good Friday with fasting, prayers and prostration in remembrance of crucifixion of Jesus Christ at Golgotha.

As Good Friday concludes the Great Lent in the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, clergymen recite biblical verses and chant religious songs to honor the sacrifices made by Jesus Christ. Mass services take place in churches from early morning through to sunset.

The faithful recite the song as they also prostrate every now and then contemplating Jesus’ passion during the day.

Good Friday is the day of fasting, prayers, cleanliness, self-examination, confession and good works among the faithful.

As the day ends (from 4:00 pm), congregants, approach priests to confess their sins and to be patted with branches of olive trees. Then they prostrate as ordered by the priests to get absolution from their sins.

The Patting symbolizes the whipping of Lord Jesus Christ, according to teachings of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church.

Easter, a vibrant holiday among Ethiopian Christians, will be celebrated on coming Sunday, commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

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