Ethiopia stands in solidarity with China to control spread of coronavirus

Addis Ababa, February 4, 2020 (FBC) – State Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hirut Zemene received today China’s Assistant Foreign Minister Chen Xiaodong.

The two sides discussed on bilateral and global issues of mutual interest, according to Spokesperson Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia.

The State Minister briefed Chen Xiaodong on the preparations being made to celebrate the 50th year anniversary of the diplomatic relations between Ethiopia and China.

The relations between the two countries, which are historical, multifaceted, successful, predictable and strategic, have now strengthened more than ever, she said.

The State Minister further stated that the two countries would reinforce their cooperation at the global level, in addition to cementing their bilateral ties.

Ethiopia is confident in China’s capacity to control coronavirus outbreak, she said, adding Ethiopia, as usual, stands in solidarity with China to control the spread of the disease.

She said the government is taking all the necessary precaution measures as per the directives agreed by the World Health Organization (WHO) to prevent the spread of the virus to Ethiopia.

Chen Xiaodong for his part stated that China attaches great attention to its relation with Ethiopia.

He commended Ethiopia’s support to on-going efforts to control spread of coronavirus, citing a message from PM Dr Abiy to Chinese President Xi Jinping as a case in point.

China is working closely with WHO to control the outbreak, he said, adding the government is committed to protect foreigners and Ethiopians living in China from the virus.

He further said China will continue to provide all needed support to projects being executed jointly by the two countries.

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