Ethiopia pursues win-win approach to GERD negotiations: Minister

Addis Ababa, February 6, 2020 (FBC) –Organized by Institute for Strategic Affairs (ISA), a seminar on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) negotiations was held today.

The discussion which took place in Addis Ababa at the Hyatt Regency hotel, was attended by Dr Seleshi Bekele, Minister of Water, Irrigation and Energy

As members of the Ethiopian National Panel of Experts and the GERD negotiation team, Engineer Gedion Asfaw, Engineer Kifle Horo and Tefera Beyene also attended the event.

In his remark to the seminar’s participants, Dr Seleshi outlined the overall benefits of the GERD, the on-going negotiation process along with the technical aspects and current status of the dam.

As far as the negotiation is concerned, he highlighted the need to focus on facts and pursue a win-win approach, as the dam is beneficial for both Ethiopia and all downstream countries.

In addition to significantly enhancing Ethiopia’s energy production, fishery development and tourism sector, GERD will also be beneficial for downstream countries to develop hydropower dams and runoff river plants, he said.

Speaking on the current status of the dam, the Minister said the number of turbines is reduced to 13 from 16, and GERD will produce 5,150MW and saves about $210 million.

Ethiopian National Panel of Experts and the GERD negotiation team also addressed questions raised by the participants comprising of policymakers, practitioners and researchers.

Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt have been conducting extensive talks for almost eight years since the beginning of the construction of the GERD on the Nile River.

Dr Seleshi told journalist yesterday that the negotiations are being held on the principle of equitable and reasonable utilization. The negotiation would not compromise Ethiopia’s sustainable water interest on Nile water.

He also downplayed fake news circulated and disseminated on social media claiming that the agreement Ethiopia has been entering harms the national interest of the country.

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