Ethiopia, Korea hold first policy consultation meeting

Ethiopia, Korea hold first policy consultation meeting

Addis Ababa, April 22, 2022 (FBC) – Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and the Republic of Korea held their first policy consultation meeting.

Ethiopian Finance State Minister, Semereta Sewasew and Korean Ambassador to Ethiopia Kang Seokhee have represented their respective countries on the consultation and co-chaired the meeting.

Addressing the meeting, State Minister Semereta noted that such a platform will have a paramount significance in deepening cooperation and cementing bilateral ties between Ethiopia and Korea.

Kang Seokhee, Korean Ambassador, for his part, said his country is committed to cement its and continue to be a true fried of Ethiopia in many aspects.

He added that there are lessons that can be drawn from Korea’s economic policies that have resulted in rapid, inclusive, sustainable, and broad-based development.

Representatives of Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), The Export-Import Bank of Korea, Korea Foundation for International Healthcare (KOFIH), Korea Program on International Agriculture (KOPIA), and Korea Trade &Investment PromotionAgency (KOTRA) presented reports showing performances of their projects being implemented in Ethiopia.

The cooperation between the two countries is guided by Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) that identifies four areas of cooperation including ransport and Energy, rural development, health and sanitation and education.

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