Ethiopia, China discuss avenues for collaboration in nuclear energy sector

Addis Ababa, July 1, 2024 (FBC) – Ethiopia’s Minister of Innovation and Technology, Belete Molla, engaged in a discussion with Chinese officials from the China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) to discuss potential cooperation opportunities in the nuclear energy field.

The primary objective of the conversation was to explore avenues for improving infrastructure development related to peaceful nuclear programs, as stated by the Ministry of Innovation & Technology (MInT).

During the meeting, Minister Belete Molla announced that Ethiopia has made substantial progress in utilizing nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. This advancement was achieved through an agreement signed with Russia’s State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom (ROSATOM) to construct essential infrastructure.

The minister emphasized that this partnership seeks to enable the application of nuclear energy across various sectors, ultimately supporting the country’s developmental objectives.

Minister Belete Molla expressed that his Ministry is eager to collaborate with the China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) in human resource development training related to nuclear energy capacity building. This collaboration aims to enhance the skills and expertise of professionals working in the sector, thereby ensuring their effectiveness in contributing to the growth and development of nuclear energy in Ethiopia.

In response, delegates from the CNNC expressed their enthusiasm for expanding their cooperation beyond infrastructure development.

They proposed exploring areas such as human resource development, creating an enabling environment for Ethiopian universities with nuclear energy curricula, and ensuring the sustainable growth and utilization of nuclear technology for peaceful purposes. This expanded collaboration aims to foster a comprehensive and long-lasting partnership between Ethiopia and China in the field of nuclear energy.

The delegates mentioned that they had previously conducted the first round of discussions to finalize an agreement aimed at assisting in the capacity building of the Addis Ababa Science and Technology University’s Nuclear Science Center of Excellence. It is indicated that this agreement seeks to enhance the capabilities of the center, enabling it to play a more significant role in advancing nuclear science and technology research and education in Ethiopia.

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