Eritrean, Somali presidents hold talks on progress of bilateral ties

Eritrean, Somali presidents hold talks on progress of bilateral ties

Addis Ababa, January 10, 2020 (FBC) – President Isaias Afwerki of Eritrea and Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed held extensive talks on progress of bilateral ties.

They also discussed on regional issues of vital interest to both countries in their first session, according to Yemane Geberemeskel, Eritrea’s Information Minister

They further noted that the Eritrea-Somalia bilateral ties have progressed at a remarkable pace in the past year and half since the signing of the Bilateral Agreement of Friendship and Cooperation in July 2018, he added.

The two Presidents expressed satisfaction at progress made so far in the implementation of the Tripartite Agreement signed between Eritrea, Ethiopia and Somalia

They also agreed to step up their collective efforts for consolidation of tripartite cooperation and regional integration.

Both leaders noted positive achievements registered so far  and underlined imperative of exerting more efforts to bolster key institutions, especially defense sectors, rehabilitation of the economy and infrastructure.

President Isaias  and President Mohamed urged all friends and partners of Somalia to extend substantive support to it so as to bolster the institutions and national capabilities of the country on the basis of the priorities set by Somalis themselves.

The Somali President arrived in Asmara t today for a two-day working visit.

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