EEU to commence a $102mln mains renovation in 11 cities

EEU to commence a $102mln mains renovation in 11 cities

Addis Ababa, October 23, 2023 (FBC) – The renovation of electric power distribution lines will be carried out soon in 11 cities cross the country at a cost of US$102 million, the Ethiopian Electric Utility (EEU) confirmed.

Corporate Communications Director EEU, Melaku Taye, told Fana Broadcasting Corporate that power outages are occurring in urban areas due to the aging of feeders.

Work is underway to boost the capacity of power distribution line renovation in 11 selected cities to redress the problem, he said.

Preparations are also in progress to complete the fourth phase of the US$57 million distribution network in Addis Ababa, the Corporate Director said.

Mr. Melaku revealed that the scope of the renovation project includes 19 km of new underground buried intermediate line, 9 km of new overhead intermediate line and 647 km of existing overhead suspended lines.

Some 2,000 new transformers and three new switching stations will be installed and an additional 2,000 existing transformers will be renovated, the official confirmed.

Similar power network maintenance works will be carried out in Assosa, Ambo, Jigjiga, Nekemt, Debre-Berhan, Bishoftu, Asella, Dilla, Hossa’ena and Sululta cities at a cost of US$45 million.

The project will be undertaken in three lots and a total of 200 new transformers and 1,000 transformers will be renovated, he said.

The project is financed by a loan obtained from the World Bank Group, he disclosed while asserting the renovation of the distribution lines will rectify the electric power outages in the cities.

Similarly, the redevelopment project of the electric power distribution network in Debre Markos, Shashemene, Wolayta Sodo, Harar and Kombolcha towns has reached 79 percent.

In addition, the second phase of smart meter replacement work has started, for which 45,000 smart meters will be installed in the country, according to Mr. Melaku.

In the first phase, more than 4,000 existing meters will be replaced with smart meters, which will help improve service delivery and reduce energy wastage, the Communications Director added.

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