ECC says 75pct of hospitals in Tigray Region are operational, 10pct are operating partially

Addis Ababa, March 15, 2021 (FBC) – The Committee of Ministers of the National Emergency Coordination Center (ECC) held its weekly regular meeting and reviewed performance reports on emergency humanitarian assistance and rehabilitation activities underway in Tigray region.

According to the report presented on the meeting, social service providing institutions are returning to service at a high rate, and 1,000 students sat for the 12″ grade Ethiopian High School Leaving Certificate Examination at various universities in the Tigray Region.

Preparations to restart schools in the region have been completed and it has been decided that schools to start operating very soon as extensive discussions have been underway with teachers and parents about the school commencement process.

In the meantime, provision of psychosocial support to parents and teachers continues while materials needed to reopen schools have been distributed to schools in the region.

The report indicates that 75pct of hospitals in Tigray region are now operational while 10pct are operating partially. The rest are carrying out maintenance work to continue to provide services, it is stated on the report. More than 90% of health care workers are onboard.

In the past couple of weeks, 1,583 mothers received maternity care in hospitals; and 44,000 outpatients were treated. 967 inpatients also received medical services.

30 mobile medical teams are roaming the area providing basic health care to the community and preparations are complete to launch a community wide COVID-19 test by next week. Support to private health facilities and pharmacies to reopen is ongoing.

Food distribution to safety net users is underway in collaboration with stakeholders. Food was also distributed to aid recipients in 13 Woredas that do not have access to the safety net scheme.

Financial and material support to the agriculture sector has been dispatched to the region. Massive work has been done to restore regular agricultural activities before the rainy season.

Rehabilitation work has been carried out in 20 Woredas to reconstruct agricultural structures. Irrigation work started in 7 Woredas and preparation to expedite distribution of seeds and fertilizers is completed.

Revolving funds are allocated to reestablish the Regional Cooperatives Federation to facilitate the supply of goods and other inputs.

Most water and sanitation service facilities have resumed operation. 162 water supply vehicles are engaged and have so far reached 79,000 households while others are receiving from regular water lines. 13 institutions engaged in water and sewerage activities are collaborating to facilitate the service provision.

Wells have been reopened and water tanks have been installed in most areas. Most of the region’s regular police officers have resumed work. The security situation in three sub-cities where community policing has started has improved rapidly. Police stations have resumed service in six towns. Mekelle Zonal Court has resumed service provision, according to the report.

Furthermore, preparations are underway to put more factories to operation in addition to the 5 factories which are in operation to their full potential.

In addition, food and non-food assistance has been provided in a coordinated and strengthened manner in collaboration with the Tigray Regional State Interim Administration.

In accordance with the directions set forth, 4.2 million people who are reported to be in need of food assistance have received food aid.

A representative of the Tigray region also reported on the ongoing activities in the region, noting that the distribution of aid and the provision of basic services have immensely improved.

The second round of needs assessment has begun. A three months rehabilitation plan has been prepared to further strengthen the restoration process.

The Ministerial Committee concluded its meeting by setting direction to further strengthen the rehabilitation efforts and restoring normalcy.

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