EACC lauds inviting investment climate in Ethiopia

Addis Ababa, February 7, 2023 (FBC) – Ambassador Mesganu Arga, State Minister of Foreign Affairs, on Monday received a delegation led by Elias Woldu, Chairman of the Ethio-American Chamber of Commerce (EACC), at his office.

During their conversation, the State Minister thanked the team for their visit to Ethiopia and emphasized the potential of Ethiopians in the Diaspora to help Ethiopia’s economy thrive.

He urged the Ethiopian Diaspora to capitalize on the country’s untapped resources to benefit from the massive market, create jobs, and pass on expertise to the people.

Elias Wondemu, Chairman of the EACC, and members of the group complimented the inviting environment they had noticed during their visits to various workplaces.

He stated that the objective of their visit to Ethiopia is to gather information on investment prospects, build relationships, and share their experience with stakeholders.

The EACC delegation is currently on a business mission in Ethiopia, discussing with key players in the investment sector.

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