DPM and FM Demeke briefs Addis Ababa-based African Ambassadors on current issues

DPM and FM Demeke briefs Addis Ababa-based African Ambassadors on current issues

Addis Ababa, June 30, 2022 (FBC) – Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Demeke Mekonnen met today Addis Ababa-based African Ambassadors and Diplomats on the current situation in Ethiopia.

The briefing, in particular, focused on the recent incident on the Ethiopia-Sudan common border, the ongoing peace-building initiatives, the National Dialogue, and negotiations over the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam.

Appreciating the vibrant and longstanding relationships between the peoples of Ethiopia and Sudan, the Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister said there are various standing mechanisms the two countries can utilize to resolve the border dispute without resorting to conflicts.

The Government of Ethiopia is ready to solve the border dispute peacefully and amicably, he said, further calling on the Government of Sudan to refrain from unnecessarily escalating tensions and internationalize the issue.

In connection with the recent incident at the Ethiopia-Sudan common border, Demeke said the incident was orchestrated and organized by the Sudanese military forces in tandem with the TPLF terrorist group.

To give a peaceful resolution to the conflict in the Northern part of Ethiopia, and since peace is in the best interest of the Ethiopian people, the government has shown commitment by taking confidence-building measures, he said.

In this regard, he mentioned the establishment of the Committee to negotiate with the TPLF and the roadmap for peace talks under his Chairmanship.

The Government of Ethiopia is committed to ensuring enduring peace in the country, he said and called on the international community to put pressure on the TPLF to refrain from its provocations for another round of conflict.

The Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister also spoke about the establishment of the National Dialogue Commission, which is expected to facilitate an all-inclusive dialogue among the peoples of Ethiopia and address the age-old ills of the country.

The declaration of the Indefinite Humanitarian Truce, the provision of unfettered access to humanitarian partners operating in the Tigray region, and the release of high-profile political figures from prison demonstrate the government’s commitment to end the conflict with the TPLF peacefully and pave the way for the success of the National Dialogue.

Speaking on the trilateral negotiations over the GERD, the Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister said Ethiopia, as always, is ready to play a constructive role to solve the matter amicably with downstream states.

The briefing concluded with the Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister commending African countries for standing in solidarity with Ethiopia at its trying moment.



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