Djibouti welcomes sister city agreement between Harar and Arta cities

Addis Ababa, January 24, 2020 (FBC) –President Ismail Omar Guelleh welcomed the sister city agreement reached between Ethiopia’s Harar and Djibouti’s Arta cities.

The two historic cities agreed last week to enhance their sister city relationships.

The President Guelleh appreciated the agreement during the talks he had yesterday in Djibouti with Ethiopian delegation led by Ordin Bedri, Chief Administrator of Harari regional state.

He said the agreement with the historic town Harar, a UNESCO registered site, would contribute a lot for research works.

He added the agreement would help to improve the lives of peoples of the two country through employing all available potentials and experiences.

Ordin Bedri for his part invited President Ismail Omar Guelleh to visit the historical city of Harar.

The two cities agreed to further boost their relations during a visit of Ordin to the city of Arta last week.

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