Deputy PM puts cornerstone for road construction project in North Shewa

Addis Ababa, June 13, 2020 (FBC) – Deputy Prime Minister Demeke Mekonnen along with other senior government officials has laid a cornerstone for Debre Birhan – Deneba- Lemi and Jihur – Deneba Asphalt Concrete Road construction Projects.

The road construction project to run at a cost of more than 3.6 Billion Birr is scheduled to be completed within four years.

Foregin Minister Gedu Andargache, Transport Minister Dagmawit Moges and other senior officials have attended the cornerstone ceremony held at Deneba and Enewari towns.

In a sideline event, the higher officials have visited development activities in North Shewa Zone, Amhara Regional State such as construction of Debre Birhan Tertiary Referral Hospital and Haile Minas Special Boarding School at the town.

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