Denmark ready to enhance multifaceted cooperation with Africa: Ambassador Sune Krogstrup

Addis Ababa, September 3, 2024 (FBC) – Ambassador Designate of Denmark to Ethiopia and Permanent Representative to the African Union, Sune Krogstrup, in an exclusive interview with Fana Broadcasting Corporate, explained about the new strategy his government has unveiled with a title “Africa’s Century” to promote its engagement with African countries in multiple areas of cooperation.

The title “Africa’s Century” comes from an acknowledgement of the fact that the future belongs to the African continent. Africa is where you see the fastest population and economic growth.

“Whatever happens in African continent will increasingly define the world politics and Denmark and the EU want to place themselves as the preferred partner of African countries for enhanced cooperation,” he said, adding: “Denmark has had a presence in many African countries for decades and its presence has very often been accompanied by a substantial amount of development aid.”

“Denmark is among a few countries that provide 0.7 of its GDP in development aid and the lion’s share of this goes to the African continent,” the Ambassador said.

The strategy is a guideline for Denmark to continue its close partnership with African nations and governments in terms of providing development aid, enhancing political dialogue, and amplifying the voices of the continent at the global level, the Ambassador pointed out.

Denmark is committed to contribute to efforts to remedy historical African under-representation on in international forums, the Ambassador remarked.

Ambassador Sune Krogstrup also affirmed Denmark’s commitment to promote equal partnerships based on mutual interests to help African countries foster their economic growth and improve livelihoods of their people, he noted.

Denmark is ready to launch new green strategic partnerships across the continent, and support the efforts of African nations for climate adaptation, with a particular focus on water, forests, and biodiversity.

He also stressed the need to address challenges with irregular migration and mitigate refugee flows through sustainable economic development in Africa.

The Ambassador also explained about his country’s initiative to increase study exchange programmes so that more African young people will study in Denmark for shorter or longer durations.

Ambassador Sune Krogstrup further pledged Denmark’s readiness to enhance people-to-people ties and cultural exchange thereby boosting mutual understanding with Africans towards enhanced cooperation all priority areas.

On August 26, 2024 Denmark launched a new strategy for strengthening its engagement with the African countries in multiple areas of cooperation.

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