Council to respond soon to request for constitutional interpretation

Addis Ababa, May 14, 2020 (FBC) –The Council of Constitutional Inquiry (CCI) said works are underway to give response soon for the request made by the Ethiopian parliament for constitutional interpretation.

The parliament recently approved a proposal to invoke constitutional interpretation to deal with the gaps created following the postponement of the 6th general election because of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

Meaza Ashenafi, President of CCI told journalists today that the 10-member council is making efforts to reply shortly to the request made by the parliament.

The council will look into the request to determine whether the issue requires a constitutional interpretation, she said, adding if it needs interpretation, a resolution will be tabled for the House of Federation.

A meeting is also called for tomorrow to discuss on the issues with legal experts, said Meaza, who is also President of the Supreme Court of Ethiopia.

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