Council of Ministers passes decisions on several draft bills

Addis Ababa, June 20, 2024 (FBC) – The Council of Ministers, during its 36th Regular session, has passed decision on various draft bills.

The council deliberated on the draft proclamation to revise the convention on international civil aviation. Given that the revision of the convention will bring about benefits that would help defend national interests of Ethiopia, back representation of the country at international platforms and promote structure of the aviation sector at the international level, the Council has decided to refer the draft bill to the House of People’s Representatives for approval.

Council of Ministers has also decided to enact the draft bill to regulate Premium and compensation rates for third-party vehicles’ insurance once it is published on the Federal Negarit Gazeta taking into consideration the advantages that the enactment will bring about in terms of ensuring uniform undertakings at the national level and advantages for the drivers and the industry at large.

The council has also approved the draft regulation to control the road traffic management and decided to implement the law once it is published on the Federal Negarit Gazeta.

Draft proclamation aims at ensure equity, access and quality of general education at the national level is also among the draft bills endorsed by the council and referred to the parliament for approval.

Finally, the Council discussed the draft law for regulating the qualifications framework of education. Cognizant of the need to ensure quality of standardization, preparation, implementation and assessment in the education and vocational training sector, the Council has unanimously decided to enact the regulation once it is published on the Federal Negarit Gazeta.






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