Council calls for amicus curiae brief on constitutional issue

Addis Ababa, May 11, 2020 (FBC) – The FDRE Council of Institutional Inquiry has made an open call for constitutional law experts to submit an amicus curiae brief in the matter submitted to it by the House of Peoples Representatives.

“Subsequently, the CCI will hold a hearing with relevant institutions and prominent individuals” Meaza Ashenafi President of the FDRE Supreme Court tweeted today.

“Such participation is important to demonstrate to the public the integrity of the process and the outcome as well as to cultivate a positive tradition of constitutionalism in Ethiopia” Meaza stated.

The House of Peoples Representatives recently approved a resolution seeking constitutional interpretation out of four legal options proposed by the government to postpone the upcoming election.

It is to be recalled the approved resolution was referred to the Council of Constitutional Inquiry.


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