Compatriots in Washington D.C. hold a huge rally against U.S. undue pressure on Ethiopia

Addis Ababa, December 11, 2021 (FBC) – Members of the Ethiopian Diaspora Community in Washington D.C and from several other States are rallied against the undue pressure on Ethiopia.

The rally is part of the global #NoMore campaign to defend Ethiopia’s territorial integrity and expose the hidden project of foreign entities. The rally took place in front of the US Congress and the Department of State.

The demonstrators marched from the State Department to the Capitol, demanding an end to US meddling in the region and slamming media erasure of TPLF attacks on innocent civilians in Ethiopia.

They also called on the US to stop supporting the terrorist TPLF and imposing economic aggression in Ethiopia.
“Joe Biden: Hands Off Ethiopia!”, “USA! Stop supporting TPLF!”, “The Biden Administration must respect choice of the people of Ethiopia”, among others, are the slogans that were chanted by the demonstrators.

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