China praises Ethiopia’s commitment to the realization of Int’l Organization for Mediation

Addis Ababa, September 24, 2024 (FBC) – The International Organization for Mediation (IOMed) in collaboration of the Foreign Affairs Ministry of Ethiopia and the Chinese Embassy in Addis Ababa made a briefing on the process of the establishment of the institution, the first intergovernmental organization dedicated to resolving international disputes through mediation.

Diplomats of various countries based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopian government officials, scholars, international law experts, members of leadership of IOMed Preparatory Office attended the briefing session held in Addis Ababa today.

Ambassador Negus Kebede, Director-General for Middle Eastern, Asian, and Pacific Countries’ Affairs of the Ethiopian Foreign Affairs Ministry, in his remarks on the meeting, said, “The establishment of IOMed came at a time when Africa and China have been affirming their commitment to ensure an all-weather strategic partnership,” he said, adding, “The partnership between China and Africa stands as a shining example of shared aspirations for development and peace.”

Ethiopia and China have already elevated their ties into an all-weather strategic partnership, underscoring the importance of the organization in deepening cooperation between the two countries in peace-building.

On behalf of the Government of Ethiopia, he extended gratitude to the government of China for its commitment to the establishment of IOMed which he said crucial to create a more peaceful, cooperative and harmonious world order.

Ethiopia, as a founding member of the organization, has been actively participating in the development of the convention of IOMed, he noted.

Mediation is not a foreign concept for Ethiopia, Ambassador Negus noted, adding that mediation is nation’s deep-rooted cultural heritage, inherited from ancestors, pledging that this will continue to resonate in modern times.

Ethiopia has longstanding history and proven experience of mediating conflicts in the horn of Africa and beyond, Ambassador Negus said, adding that nation’s ongoing role in the establishment of IOMed underscores its commitment to peace and stability of the region.

IOMed would help African nations and other developing nations to share best practices, and develop effective tool for resolving international conflicts, and strengthen their role in the global diplomacy and peace building.

“This year, Ethiopia and China have already signed various agreements to promote their cooperation in multifaceted areas including economic development, prosperity and peace. And these agreements are instrumental in taking the ties between the two countries to the next level,” Ambassador Negus said.

Director-General of the Department of Treaty and Law of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, former Chinese Ambassador to Sudan, Ma Xinmin, for his part, pointed out that Ethiopia has been a staunch supporter of China’s initiative to establish the IOMed from the outset, playing an active and constructive role in its creation and ongoing development.

“The decision to hold the first briefing on IOMed in Ehtiopia speaks volumes about the deep trust and high expectations we have for our African friends,” he noted.

“Recognizing the increasing demand for mediation and the gap in international mediation mechanisms, China, a major and responsible member of the global community—proposed the establishment of the IOMed in 2022. This initiative resonated warmly and swiftly with many developing countries, including our African partners.”

“After nearly three years of joint collaboration, we have made commendable progress in bringing IOMed to fruition. IOMed has continued to gain momentum, attracting more and more supporters along the way. The number of participating countries has grown from an initial 11 to 19, with all agreeing to locate the headquarters in Hong Kong.”

“We have successfully held four sessions aimed at elaborating the IOMed Convention, and I am pleased to announce that the fifth session will take place in Hong Kong this October. We eagerly anticipate the IOMed Convention’s successful conclusion at this upcoming session,” he pointed out.

IOMed does not aim to replace the current international dispute resolution mechanisms. Instead, it seeks to enrich, improve, and complement them offering a new option and pathway for countries striving for peaceful resolution of their disputes.

“In today’s world, hegemonistic practices unfortunately continue to prevail, with powerful forces often pursuing zero-sum agendas that disadvantage the weak and vulnerable,” he said, adding,  “The organization will amplify the voices of developing countries and the Global South in dispute resolution, thereby facilitating much-needed reform and development in global governance.”

“Historically, developing countries have been underrepresented in global governance institutions, with limited influence, particularly in international dispute settlement mechanisms. IOMed represents a significant step for these countries toward steering global governance in a more just and equitable direction. It stands as a valuable contribution from the Global South to the international community upholding the vision of a community with a shared future for humankind,” he remarked.

“IOMed will deepen China-Africa cooperation in legal frameworks, promote Belt and Road initiatives in accordance with the law, facilitate exchanges between legal professionals in China and Africa, and contribute significantly to the high-level construction of a China-Africa community with a shared future,” he added.

Ambassador Reta Alemu, Director-General for International Legal Affairs of the Ethiopian Foreign Affairs Ministry, underscored the significance of IOMed in addressing conflicts in Africa.

He stated that the briefing session is paramount to enrich our understanding of participants on the finalization of the process of the founding of the organization.

Combining both diplomatic and legal methods, IOMed would help member states to join hands at multilateral and regional levels to ensure peace and development, he said.

Ambassador Reta expressed his confidence that many African countries will join the IOMed for mutual benefits, adding that ten nations are already on the process of joining the organization.

Dr. Sun Jin, Director-General of the IOMed Preparatory Office, stated that joining IOMed is paving the way towards a more peaceful and prosperous future, adding that this will provide developing countries with an opportunity in capacity building programs.

The fifth session of the elaboration on the convention of IOMed will be held in Hong Kong on 14-17 October, 2024, according to the Director General.

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