Availability, diversity of forages integral to livestock productivity

Availability, diversity of forages integral to livestock productivity

Addis Ababa, May 16, 2024 (FBC) – The International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) said the availability and diversity of forages are integral to livestock productivity, as improved forages enhance livestock output.

The 40th Anniversary of ILRI’s Forage Genebank which is dedicated to the conservation and use of global forage genetic resources held in Addis Ababa today.

Speaking at the occasion, Director General of ILRI and CGIAR Senior Director of Livestock Based Systems, Apollinaire Djikeng said over the last 40 years, the ILRI Forage Genebank has played a pivotal role in the livestock sector across several key domains.

He added that the institute is working to increase the development and utilization of the sector by doing more research on animal species.

With more than 18,000 accessions, from nearly 2,000 forage species, the Genebank continues to be the source of feed solutions for livestock across Ethiopia and the continent.

Forage diversity research is the cornerstone of ILRI’s Feed and Forage Development program, which aims at tackling the challenges posed by insufficient and variable animal feed supplies and climate- related impacts, which hinder livestock productivity in tropical nations.

The director general added that the conservation of forage genetic diversity holds profound economic significance, particularly for disadvantaged regions worldwide.

With the escalating variability of climate change, there arises an urgent need for adapted forages capable of thriving in ever-changing ecosystems.

‘ILRI’s forage resources contribute towards ensuring that our livestock practices remain robust and responsive to the ever-evolving challenges of climate change and food security. Our way of building resilience for the future lies on how we preserve and appreciate, and protect biodiversity that we have,” he said.

Forest and Range Land Plants Biodiversity Research Lead Executive Officer at the Ethiopian Biodiversity Institute (EBI) Abera Siyoum on his part said ILRI made a significant contribution by repatriating Ethiopian genetic resource to EBI in providing its facility for research with a particular focus on forage species.

“The challenges facing global agriculture are ever evolving from climate change, population growth to emerging pest and diseases. In the face of these challenges, the importance of genetic resource conservation and utilization cannot be overstated. The Genebank stands as a beacon of hope and real resilience offering solutions to address the pressing agricultural challenges of our time.”

Stating the need for collaborative effort with research institution, other stakeholders, farmers and policy makers, he expressed his belief that the ILRI can harness the full potential of forage and crop diversity to ensure forage in particular and the food security in general, per ENA.

It was indicated on the occasion over the past 40 years; more than 20 improved breeds of animal fodder have been identified through research and delivered to various research institutions and consumers.

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