AUC chief calls for total unity between regional, continental organizations in response to situation in Sudan

Addis Ababa, June 12, 2023 (FBC) – In his Remarks regarding the situation in Sudan at the 14th Ordinary Session of the IGAD Heads of State and Government, Chairperson of the African Union Commission Moussa Faki Mahamat reaffirmed AUC commitment to Sudan.

The Chairperson said AUC will continue supporting Sudan.

He said the extreme seriousness of the violent crisis that is engulfing brotherly Sudan and the dangerous threats it poses to the existence of this country and the entire Region, are obvious.

“All analysts agree that if this war does not stop immediately, civil war will set in, chaos will prevail and The Sudanese State will totally collapse”, Moussa Faki has stated.

“We once again, together with IGAD and the United Nations, recommitted ourselves, through a Trilateral mechanism to mend the torn fabric. Negative forces of all kind, both internal and external, were bent on stirring up contradictions. This whole cocktail eventually exploded and led to the current operation of mass destruction of The Sudanese State and Nation”, the Chairperson of AUC added.

He further said the Coalition resolutely committed itself to providing all possible support to Sudan in order to stop the war, to provide humanitarian aid to the people in need and to encourage adding the Sudanese, to initiate a fully inclusive National Dialogue, designed, planned and led by The Sudanese themselves, far from any external dictate.

“Our mobilization in solidarity with them will be set in motion, at their request and according to the modalities they will freely choose for their own destiny”, Moussa Faki in his remarks has said.

“The Sudanese crisis is on such a scale that it does not allow for any division of ranks or procrastination. It calls for swift action. It calls for united action and strong solidarity on our part”, he added in his remarks.

Chairperson of the African Union Commission Moussa Faki Mahamat has called for total unity between the Regional and Continental Organizations, IGAD and AU.

“This is the sine qua non condition for the effectiveness of our solidarity with Sudan. It is the  imperative for mitigating foreign interference. It is the sine qua non condition for mobilizing our partners and getting them to adhere to this fundamental principle of African solutions to African problems, of which The Sudanese crisis is the prototype”, he said in his remarks.

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