Athlete Haile Gebreselassie presents locally assembled electric car to PM Abiy Ahmed

Addis Ababa, July 27, 2020 (FBC) – Athlet Haile Gebresselassie has presented the first electric car fully assembled by Hyundai Motors in Ethiopia to Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed today.

Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed said the electric car present has came at a time when the government is working to transform Ethiopia’s greening and climate change resilient aspirations in to concrete action through the Green Legacy Initiative and Sheger and Entoto Parks.

“I received the first electric car fully assembled in Ethiopia. No emission cars can help reduce pollution,” the Premier tweeted.

It was pointed out that the car is fully battery operated with no gas emission.

The car is unique to Ethiopia as it can be charged anywhere without a need for charging stations.

The batteries can be apparently charged up to 80 percent in 33 minutes on a 50 kilo watts station or in 24 minutes at a 100 kilo watts fast charging station.

Ethiopia has planted close to 4 billion trees this summer season ahead of the plan targeting 5 billion.



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