Ambassadors deliberate ways to keep engagements with Ethiopians in the Diaspora

Addis Ababa, March 3, 2022 (FBC) – State Minister Ambassador Birtukan Ayano said ambassadors should engage Ethiopians in the Diaspora in sectors where they can render important contributions to the development of their homeland besides providing them with quality services.

Commending efforts to involve Ethiopians in the Diaspora in pivotal national matters, flagship projects, green legacy initiatives, and other pertinent issues, Ambassador Birtukan stressed the need to keep the momentum.

The capacity-building training provided to the newly appointed ambassadors, in today’s session, deliberated ways to scale up Diaspora engagements with a presentation tabled by Ethiopian Diaspora Agency Deputy Director-General, Dr. Mohammed Indris.

The Deputy Director-General underscored that Ethiopian missions need to protect the rights of Ethiopians in the Diaspora and take the lead in engaging the community in sectors ranging from investment, tourism, technology transfer, image building, and cultural promotion to supporting good governance in Ethiopia.

Present at the session, the Head of Diaspora Banking Services at the National Bank of Ethiopia, Mr. Lema Waqo explained the financial systems and structures set up by the bank to provide attractive opportunities to Ethiopians in the diaspora and engage them in buying bonds easily for flagship projects.

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