Ambassador Jemal Beker briefs diplomatic community in Pakistan

Addis Ababa, September 5, 2022 (FBC) – Jemal Beker, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ethiopia to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, has briefed officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Pakistan and African Heads of Missions based in Islamabad on the current situation in Ethiopia, particularly the reignited war by the TPLF in the northern part of Ethiopia’s Amhara and Afar regions.

He said it is unfortunate that the TPLF reignited the war by recruiting child soldiers, using human waves to invade neighboring regions and playing, once again, its victimhood strategy.

The TPLF looted humanitarian relief intended for civilians in the Tigray region and worsened the humanitarian crisis in the region by diverting the resources to militants to invade neighboring regions, he said.  

He stressed that the Ethiopian government has a constitutional obligation to uphold and protect its citizens from the threats posed by the TPLF.

He said the international community should play its constructive roles in pressing the TPLF to continue the AU-led negotiations to end this destructive conflict peacefully.

According to Ambassador Jemal, Ethiopians will not allow the TPLF to destabilize and destroy the country and they will stand hand in hand to defend the sovereignty of the country.

The representatives of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the African Heads of Missions noted the government of Ethiopia’s positions on the recent events in North Ethiopia. 

They also recognized the legitimate actions taken by the government to safeguard the security and safety of its citizens and appreciated the Government of Ethiopia’s commitment to resolving the conflict through the AU-led process.

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