Amb. Redwan shares the official signed peace talk agreement document

Addis Ababa, November 4, 2022 (FBC) – The Prime Minister’s National Security Adviser, Redwan Hussein, shared the peace talk signed agreement official document between the Ethiopian government and TPLF in Pretoria, South Africa, via twitter.

Ambassador Redwan Hussein said that it should be noted the agreement was signed after several heated group discussions and talks.

Therefore, there were many drafts submitted by the two parties, but the document that was agreed upon and accepted and signed is the one [he shared on twitter].

He warned against unverified and fabricated or fraud documents being circulated in social media.

“The agreement was made after multiple back and forth, open and close, larger and small group debates. Hence there were several drafts from both sides” he tweeted.

“Some being circulated may be earlier versions which may give wrong impression. The following is the agreed and signed one”, he added.

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