African defense ministers tour Ethiopian intelligence, security institutions

Addis Ababa, October 17, 2024 (FBC) – Defense ministers and military attachés from various African countries have paid a visit to Ethiopian intelligence institutions in the early hours of this morning.

As part of the inaugural African Defense Ministers’ Conference hosted by Ethiopia, guests are touring various military and intelligence institutions and facilities. Today, they visited the Ethiopian Information Network Security Administration (INSA).

On the occasion, the dignitaries were apprised of Ethiopia’s endeavors in information network security and the capacity it has cultivated in this realm. The officials toured the capacities that have been developed to counteract cyber-attacks in finance, intelligence, infrastructure, and other domains.

Furthermore, the guests are expected to visit the Ethiopian Artificial Intelligence Institute (EAII), the Federal Police Commission, and the National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS).

It is noteworthy that the defense ministers of African countries and their military attachés visited the Ethiopian Air Force base and Defense Engineering Industry Corporation yesterday.

It is known that the inaugural African Defense Ministers’ Conference is being held in Addis Ababa since October 15 under the theme “Africa: United in Peace, Strong in Security.”

The conference is discussing the importance of strengthening existing partnerships to combat terrorism, address global and regional security threats, and outline directions for future cooperation.

Additionally, presentations on the existing world order and its impacts on Africa, along with panel discussions on contemporary security challenges in the continent are being held during the conference.

African defense ministers, representatives of regional organizations, senior military officers, military attachés based in Addis Ababa, and researchers engaged in military affairs are attending the conference.

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