Africa Urban Forum will set future dev’t direction for continent’s cities

Addis Ababa, August 17, 2024 (FBC) – The upcoming Africa Urban Forum will set the future development direction of the continent’s cities within the framework of Agenda 2063, Urban and Infrastructure Minister Chaltu Sani said.

Recall that the ministry announced the completion of preparations to host the first Africa Urban Forum which will be held in Addis Ababa from September 4-6, 2024.

Officials and representatives of many countries and international institutions are expected to participate in the forum.

The minister mentioned that the forum will stimulate the growth of African cities and indicate the direction of further development.

She also stated that the activities being carried out by Africa to achieve its goal of sustainable urban development in Agenda 2063 will be evaluated.

The minister pointed out that the forum is where key and critical problems related to the continent’s cities would be discussed and recommendations passed to ensure sustainable development.

Africa Urban Forum is a continental platform that promotes sustainable urban development, Chaltu said.

According to her, Ethiopia was chosen to host the forum due to its rapid urban development and the government’s focus on cities since the reform.

This decision was made through the African Union Commission, taking into account Ethiopia’s fast-growing cities and its significant contribution to Africa’s development and growth.

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