Addis Ababa introduces even-odd scheme to restrict private vehicles from roads

Addis Ababa, April 17, 2020 (FBC) –Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, has introduced a rationing scheme that restricted private vehicles from the roads, effective as of today.

The restriction is part of the State of Emergency declared a week ago to stem the spread of COVID-19 and will remain effective for the coming five months.

The scheme bans private vehicles (Code-2) with odd or even plate numbers from roads on alternate days, according to the Ministry of Transport.

Accordingly, vehicles with even numbers or zeros on their plates are to be used one day, and those with odd numbers the next day, it said.

Regional states will also apply the system by taking into account the reality in their respective regions, the Ministry stated.

The directive banning taxis and cross-country buses from carrying more than 50% of their capacity will be implemented effectively, it added.

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