Addis Ababa city council approves appointment of officials

Addis Ababa, January 24, 2020 (FBC) –The Addis Ababa city administration council approved the appointment of officials who were nominated by Engineer Takele Uma, Deputy Mayor of the city .

A total of 89 members have attended the opening session of the three-day regular meeting of the city council today and 79 of them voted in favour of the nomination, 3 against and 7 abstentions.

Listed below are officials appointed by the council today:

1. Engineer Endawek Abtie- Coordinator of Public Service Delivery Institutions with the rank of Deputy Mayor

2. Engineer Senait Damtew- Head of Housing Development Bureau

3. Mrs Nejiba Akmel- Head of Finance Bureau

4. Shisema Gebresilassie- Head of Revenues Bureau

5. Abdulkadir Mohammed- Attorney General

6. Mrs Epherah Ali- Head of Culture and Tourism Bureau

7. Hailu Lule- Head of Public Service Bureau

8. Zelalem Muleta- Head of Education Bureau

9. Engineer Demelash Kebede- Head of Construction Bureau

10. Sitotaw Takele -Head of Transport Bureau

11. Negash Bacha- Head of Land Development and Management Bureau

12. Yimer Kebede- Head of Job Creation and Enterprise Bureau

13. Mekonnen Tefera –Head of Labour and Social Affairs Bureau

14. Abdulfetah Yousuf- Head of Trade Bureau

15. Adugna Debela- Head of Peace and Security Bureau

16. Abrham Tadesse- Head of Youth Volunteers Coordination Bureau

17. Wakuma Abebe- Commissioner of Planning Commission

18. Tamirat Dila- Commissioner of Investment Commission

19. Tazir Gebregziabher- Head of Industry Bureau

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