AAU, BFSU agree to diversify their cooperation

Addis Ababa, December 5, 2023 (FBC) – Addis Ababa University and Beijing Foreign Studies University(BFSU) have agreed to increase their level of cooperation in different fields.

The two sides have penned an agreement to renew Amharic language program at first degree level which was commenced in 2020.

Acting President of Addis Ababa University, Samuel Kifle (PhD) inked the agreement with his BFSU counterpart Prof Yang Dan.

Both Universities have also reached up on an understanding to start Ethiopian and Chinese Studies Centers in their respective campuses.

The BFSU delegation, headed by Prof Yang, paid a courtesy visit to Demeke Mekonnen, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Ethiopia on M9nday.

Deputy Prime Minister Demeke who conferred with the BFSU community  during his visit to China on 26 May 2023, said  all  similar initiatives are important to deepen people-to-people  ties between Ethiopia and China.

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