Committee urged to prepare well to cope with disaster risks

Addis Ababa, May 15, 2020 (FBC) –Deputy Prime Minister Demeke Mekonnen said preparation should be done well to deal with crisis that could result from man-made and natural disasters.

The National Disaster Prevention and Preparedness Committee in its virtual meeting held today put an action plan after a deliberation on COVID-19 response as well as potential risks of desert locust outbreak and floods.

Deputy Prime Minister and chairperson of the committee, Demeke said preparations should be done well to cope with potential crisis arising from artificial and natural disasters.

Despite the encouraging gains made from the state of emergency declared over COVID-19, distraction among the community is extremely worrying, he said.

The emergency decree has a key mission of saving lives, he said, further calling for awareness raising campaigns that match with the gravity of the pandemic.

The Deputy Prime Minister said coordinated effort of all members of the committee is essential to mitigate a risk of crisis from desert locust outbreak and floods.

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