44th Anniversary of Victory of karamara celebrated at Ethiopia-Cuba Friendship Park

Addis Ababa, March 5, 2022 (FBC) – The 44th Anniversary of the Victory of Karamara has been celebrated at the Ethiopia-Cuba Friendship Part at the capital in the presence of members of the diplomatic community, high government officials, veterans and thousands of residents.

The Celebration of the Karamara Victory day commemorates the victory Ethiopian Defence force over the invading army of Siad Barre of Somalia in 1975. Cuba under the leadership of Fidel Castro sent around 15,000 soldiers who fought alongside the Ethiopian army against the invading forces of Somalia.

Ethiopian troops, with the internationalist support of the Cuban combatants, defeated the aggression ordered by the then leader of Somalia against the territorial integrity of Ethiopia. 163 Cuban combatants offered their lives for sovereignty of Ethiopia.

Since then Ethiopians honor the historical support of the Cuban people while celebrating the victory day.

Addressing the participants in his opening remarks, Ambassador of Cuba to Ethiopia, Jorge Lefebre Nicolás said the sacrifice paid by Cuban soldier at the battle of became strong foundation for the relations of brotherhood and solidarity between the Cuban and Ethiopian peoples.

Saying that the diplomatic relationship between Ethiopia and Cuba started in 1975, Ambassador Jorge Lefebre Nicolás stated that the historical ties between the two countries got strength the historic military cooperation in 1975, and has continued in multifaceted areas.

Cuba offered free scholarship for close to 5,000 Ethiopian students and send medical professionals to help support the sector since 1977. Cuba and Ethiopia have managed to strengthen their cooperation in the health and education sectors based on their strong bond, he said. The Ambassador has also reiterating the commitment of his country to transform its historical and longstanding partnership with Ethiopia.

Deputy Head of Addis Ababa City Arts, Culture and Tourism Bureau, Sertse Firesibhat, for his part, said Ethiopia is a country that has defended its sovereignty from many attempts of invasion by outsiders through the sacrifices of her brave sons and daughters. Saying that Ethiopia always remembers supports it received from her sister countries at times of need, he lauded the support of Cuban and the then South Yemen in defending invasion of Siad Barre.

Addis Ababa City Administraion is committed to maintain and promote the Ethiopia-Cuba Friendship Park as one of the best tourist attraction sites in the capital thereby honor the historical ties between the two sisterly nations.

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