Ministry classifies universities according to excellence

Ministry classifies universities according to excellence

Addis Ababa, January 3, 2020 (FBC) –The Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MoSHE) has unveiled a study conducted to classify universities according to their excellence.

The study, which was unveiled today, classified the universities into four categories, namely; research, applied, general and specialized institutions.

Accordingly, 8 universities were categorized under research, 15 under applied, 21 under general and 3 under specialized educational institutions.

Addis Ababa, Arba Minch, Bahir Dar, Gondar, Haramaya, Hawassa, Jimma and Mekelle are universities categorized under research institutions.

Arsi, Asossa, Aksum, Dila, Dire Dawa, Debre Birhan, Debre Markos, Kotebe, Jigjiga, Wolita Sodo, Semera, Ambo, Wellega, Welkite and Wollo universities were categorized under applied institutions.

Among the 21 universities categorized under general institutions include Gambella, Metu, Mizan, Wachamo and Woldia.

Both Addis Ababa and Adama Science and Technology universities as well as Federal TEVT were categorized under specialized institutions.

The study was announced at meeting of the Reform Council of Higher Education held today in the presence of presidents of universities and government officials.

The two-day event will discuss ways to tackle conflicts in universities and other issues.

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